Fortune favours the bold.
— Virgil

This is Mr.Parker’s 6th year at Kitsilano Secondary School working as executive producer of Kitsilano Theatre Company as well as teaching drama at Kitsilano Secondary School. Mr.Parker has directed or produced the following senior plays with Kitsilano Theatre Company:

Love, Actually (2014, 2018)

Almost, Maine (2017)

Mr.Parker also produces the junior production ‘Sitcoms’ on an annual basis. As far as musicals, Mr.Parker has directed and produced the following musicals at Kitsilano:

Big Fish (2014)

Electric Circus (2017)

Chicago (2019)

Finally, Mr.Parker wrote, directed or produced the following television/web series, feature or short films at Kitsilano:

Focus Season One (2015)

Focus Season Two (2016)

The 6th Kiss (2017)

Whitewood (2019)

Currently, Mr.Parker teachers Drama 10, Drama 11, Drama 12, Directing 11, Directing 12, the Off-Timetable Production and Company 10112 and is producing and directing the untitled feature film, senior play and full length musical for the 2019-2020 Kitsilano Theatre Company season.


Sangster joined Kitsilano Secondary School and the Kitsilano Theatre Company in the fall of 2019. Since joining the team, Sangster has worked with the KTC to create various projects including the Drama 9 Phenomenon - KitsBop, the newly established Drama 10 performance - Mask Mandate.

Sangster loves working with Mr. Parker and the students at Kitsilano on our Off-Timetable Theatre Productions.

Sangster has produced and directed the following projects:

KitsBop: Shuffle Play (2020)

KitsBop 2: KTCTV, Kitsbop 3: Y2K unreleased (2021)

Kitsbop 4: What’s Your Story, Kitsbop 5: How Much is Too Much?, Kitsbop 6: Same Day Delivery (2022)

Junior Production: Check Please, Check Please 2, Check Please 3 (2022)

Kitsilano Mask Mandate: Things of Dreams and Nightmares (2023)

Junior Showcase: Actually… Love (2023)

This year, Sangster is working alongside our students writing The Whitewoods, which Sangster directed, and co-produced with Mr. Parker.

In the 2022-23 school year Sangster teaches:
Drama 8, Drama 10, Drama 11/12, Directing 11/12, Off Timetable Theatre Company.

Photograph featuring Mr.Parker and Sangster